Respite Care

The Benefits of Minimum 4 Hour Home Visits

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When receiving home health care, the longer the visit, the more that can be accomplished. At Oxford HealthCare, we recommend at minimum, a 4 hour visits to ensure your loved one’s tasks are completed thoroughly, with the highest notion of attention to detail and care. When visits are shorter, our aides must prioritize their tasks, often leaving the cleaning and socialization behind in order to ensure groceries are purchased, medication management is accurate and bathing is completed. We strive to provide the best services in the area and believe longer visits will bring more happiness to the whole family.

With a minimum 4-hour visit, we guarantee each service requested will be completed to the highest standard.  A 4-hour morning or afternoon visit is ideal for those needing minimal support to continue living in the comforts of their own home. During an 8am-12 noon shift, an aide can assist with tasks such as: breakfast, morning hygiene routine, errands, housekeeping, medication reminders, and lunch. During an afternoon 4-hour visit, from 1pm-5pm, an aide can assist with lunch, medication reminder, errands, housekeeping, socialization, dinner, and bed routine. Most importantly, the longer time frame allots for socialization. Our Home Health Aide and your loved one will have the time to converse, play cards, watch television or start a puzzle.  

At Oxford, we pride ourselves on providing the ultimate hospitality in the home of your loved one. We believe socialization is a large responsibility of ours, and we strive to connect our aides with your loved ones as often as possible. Social isolation is a major issue negatively affecting the elderly. Our wish is to ensure that your loved one feels important, comfortable, and loved; this is why we recommend the minimum 4-hour visit. 

7 Tips to Maintain Comfort in the Hot, Hot Heat This Summer

Healthcare, Homecare, Assisted Living, Respite Care, Caregiving, Caregivers, Oxford, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Aging, Parents

The Oklahoma summer heat is dreaded by all, each and every year. How do you plan to stay cool, hydrated and beat the heat this season? We’ve got some helpful hints to keep you and your loved one’s in high spirits, while maintaining lower internal temperatures this summer!

1)    Hydration

Try infusing your water with fresh fruit to give it a sweet, yet subtle, kick. Some excellent flavorful additions include strawberries, cucumbers, or pineapples. Always keep a bottle of water at hand. Avoid over indulging in alcohol and caffeinated beverages as they will lead to dehydration.

2)    Snack Refreshingly

Avoid salty, processed foods as snacks. Instead, choose fruits dipped in yogurt, natural popsicles (or make your own frozen fruit-sicles), veggies dipped in hummus or ranch, or a caprese salad!

3)    Skin Protection

Lather sunscreen on, religiously. Don’t forget to protect your hands, feet, and pay special attention to your nose. If you’re planning on being in the sun for an extended period of time, bring a hat!

4)    Proper Attire

Light colors, light weight, loose fitting clothing made from all natural fabrics, such as cotton, are the most comfortable and breathable in the summer. Ensure your loved one has comfortable, light weight tennis shoes for the summer!

5)    Smart Transportation

Do not wait for the bus or walk to your destination in the hot hot heat! Grab a taxi, call a family member or friend, or call a local transportation service.

6)    Temperature Control

If your loved one is still living alone, don’t forget to check the thermostat when you go to visit! They’re home should not be set over 75°.

7)    Knowledge of Overheating

Signs Include: intense sweating, dizziness, nausea, paleness, a fast but weak pulse and fast, shallow breathing. Move your loved one into the shade, a cooler space and give them some water.

Don’t let the heat ruin your fun this summer! Stay hydrated and protected with the tips we’ve provided for you here!

7 Steps to Having the 'Tough Talk' With Your Parents

Healthcare, Homecare, Assisted Living, Respite Care, Caregiving, Caregivers, Oxford, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Aging, Parents

Planning care for your aging parent is a time consuming, emotionally draining task. While there are many options for elder care, making the best choice is crucial. How much help do they need? Can they still drive? Is it safe for them to continue cooking, cleaning and grooming themselves? These are all questions that Oxford can help you to answer before having ‘the talk.’  In order to sustain a positive conversation leading to the best choice of assistance, starting the conversation early will lead to more beneficial outcomes.

It is pertinent to have in-depth conversations with your loved ones to fully understand their preferences, ensuring a smoother transition. Maintaining open communication and truly listening to their desires allows your loved one to continue to feel their independence. You achieve a positive dialogue with patience, kindness, understanding and problem-solving teamwork. We have outlined a step-by-step approach to analyzing your parents’ behavior and finding the perfect, personalized care routine for their comfort.

1)    Assess their behaviors (grooming, house cleaning, cooking, driving, etc.)

2)    Lightly brush the subject of their independence by referring to someone else you may know who now receives help

3)    Review their reactions to help guide your approach to the talk

4)    Research the available options in their community so that you can steer the conversation with facts, granting them the possibility to make the most educated decision, leading to a higher likelihood of happiness

5)    Have the conversation: start with light, fun topics to open their warmth and receptiveness to the difficult discussion. Always approach the options with a teamwork mindset, problem-solving together for the best solution.

6)    Allow time for your loved one to assess their options and needs

7)    Softly approach the conversation until a decision is made. If necessary, you may need to get the family doctor involved to decide on a solution.

Although the conversation is difficult for everyone involved, it is best to start early and hash out a plan for your loved one’s optimal future. At Oxford HealthCare, our knowledgeable staff can help guide you and your family each step of the way to ensure a comfortable future for your loved one with a personalized care plan. What are you waiting for? Spring forward with Oxford; let’s get the conversation started today.